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Quotes (Fans)

“Shane who…..?”.  This might be one’s first reaction when mentioning this seasoned veteran’s first solo release; that is, until you realize that you have most probably been listening to his music since the1970’s.  He has recorded, performed, and/or composed with the likes of Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, Shania Twain, and Lone Justice just to name a few (view his bio and hear the music at  On “What Nature Intended”, Shane demonstrates just what keeps the greatest songwriters and performers in the world calling on him for their own projects. This record runs deep. Songwriting, production, musicianship, arrangements, and lyrics are all strongly represented here on this self-produced effort.  Fontayne’s ethereal, fluid guitar work, and hypnotic, tribal grooves combine with rich vocal harmonies and arrangements, weaving a variety of musical soundscapes: from the anthemic mosh of “cut from the same cloth”, to the languid beauty of “so high”, the sad haunting of “little napoleons”, the sheer fun and bounce of “there’s only room for me”, and the…..well……..”voodoo” of “voodoo in the house”.   

There are flavors of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, solo Robby Robertson, smoky jazz clubs, evolving relationships, and glorious spring days.  This is not a “one sound” record.

There are fourteen very strong, but quite varied tunes offered here, (not including the bonus track at the end, a classical string and vocal arrangement of “little napoleons”, that has me wishing it went on a bit longer than its actual one minute or so). Fontayne has taken all the richness of his life, his musical influences, and his career and poured them into every note.  There is a reverence for the music in his songwriting and performance, as if the music were directing and playing him, not the other way around.  Yet his dedication and attention to detail, coupled with his keen production, keep the often-thick arrangements sounding cohesive, emotive, and powerful. There is no wasted sound (or silence) here, and still, with each listen, there is something new to hear. I recommend a listen through your best set of headphones for a real treat.  The production and arrangement are outstanding and propel the songs, without overshadowing them and sounding technical. What holds these fourteen gems together, and makes the record a great event to listen to in its entirety, is its theme.   Lyrically, the record is a celebration of the human spirit, both the lightest and the darkest aspects.  It is a celebration of the experience of living life, with all its discord and beauty, and of the search and eventual claiming of love, the glue that holds this whole crazy experience together.  The lyrics have some clever unexpected twists, and are powerful without being preachy or didactic.   For all of us rock and pop aficionados who continue to grow and evolve through the years, this record speaks straight to the heart.  It will have you dancing, reflecting, and celebrating the great dance we call life.  So visit Shane and the music at, and pick up a copy of this CD, as the man who has been a “household sound” on so many great recordings and performances over the last three decades, becomes a “household name” along with the Bruce Springsteens, the Paul Simons, and the Rod Stewarts of our generation.  

“What Nature Intended is for all of us to listen.

~Keith Simmonds